useful information

School enrolment


  • FULL TIME ANNUAL ENROLMENT: the educational service for the entire school year.
  • SUMMER CAMP: the best solution to immerse children in nature through a structured outdoor education program.

Timetables and daily routine

The nursery school opens from 8 a.m. to 4,30 p.m.

The school day will be organized according to a precise timetable that includes routine activities, free play, outdoor activities and didactic moments. The didactic topics will be chosen weekly, in order to best meet children’s interests and ensure a high level of motivation to learn.

  • 8.15 am – Welcome and free play.
  • 10 am – Circle Time and introduction to the teaching topic of the day
  • 10.30 a.m. – Nature trip & Snack Time
  • 12.30 p.m. – Lunch
  • 2.30 pm – Nap time or Educational activity (for children who do not have a nap)
  • 4.00 p.m. – Circle Time and greetings
  • 4.30 p.m. School leaving time


Time for lunch is scheduled from 12.30 to 13.30. The food is prepared by a specialized company that will provide us with the food carefully chosen with the supervision of a nutritionist who will take care of the IAIA’s food choices.

The nutritionist collaborates with us in order to draw up a balanced and healthy nutritional plan, carefully studying the foods that will make up the children’s diet.

In order to support children’s growth and educate them to taste as many foods as possible, we believe it is essential to begin to set up, from early childhood, a series of correct eating habits through which we can teach children to enjoy all the different types of foods, which are necessary for a correct and balanced physical development.

Parents can decide whether or not to have their child’s meal service booked. In this way it will be possible to count only the number of lunches really consumed by the children.


IAIA SRL SB – P.IVA 12306570016 – C.F. 12306570016 | Sede operativa: strada Pino Torinese 61 – 10020 Baldissero (TO) – Sede legale: via Cavour 41 – 10123 TORINO